

Dr. U. Wanner, BEAG AG and AnWa – Advocates’ Office Wanner work for the following associations.

SVDH Schweizerischer Verband des Dentalhandels
ASD Arbeitgeberverband der Schweizer Dentalbranche
SDE AG Swiss Dental Events AG
SVDI Schweiz. Verband der Dentalindustrie
OSD/ESCD Ökologie und Sicherheit im Dentalhandel
SGMKG Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
SBV Schweizerische Belegärzte-Vereinigung
SGNM-SSMN Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin
SVOT Schweiz. Verband der Orthopädietechniker

Associations, companies, private individuals

We not only advise our associations with care, but also private individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises enjoy BEAG Ltd.’s service and efficient working methods.



BEAG Ltd is a member of AMC Switzerland (Association Management Companies Switzerland). The association combines independent service and consultancy companies specializing in secretarial and business management as well as consulting for national and international associations and organizations (non-profit organizations).

Selective cooperation on demand

In some cases we work together with affiliated companies.